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We verify all usernames and email addresses in order to help create a safer dating environment for both men and women when dating online!
Complete the form below to join our community of verified members today.

Personal Message

Invitation From: Britney

Personal Verification Request

This personal verification request has been sent to you at our member’s request. Identity verification (18+) is available at no cost to you. Upon completion, you will be provided with a Verification MemberID. There is no charge for this service.

Expires in: 05:00

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verification requested

Name, Location, Age 18+

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(pending verification)
(pending verification)
(pending verification)

I love to get naked to tease and play with my pussy! Being spoiled turns me on! I love the feeling of pleasing my man, lets get it on!

This member has requested that after you verify you are able to contact her via the following methods:

Home Phone Number

Home Address

Cell Phone Number

Facebook Profile

Personal Email

YIM Screen Name

Work Email Address

MSN Screen Name